• Immeuble BDEGL/Goma
    54, Blvd du 30 Juin, Gombe (3rd floor, GROUPE TAVERNE Building)
  • contact@group-ajf.com

Welcome to Groupe AJF Corporation

Leader in debt collection in DRC

Welcome to Groupe AJF Corporation

Leader in debt collection in DRC

Our partners :

Amicable collection

It is a simple solution which allows to solve the majority of the unpaid cases. Amicable collection consists in obtaining payment from debtors without going to court.

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Judicial collection

If the amicable phase fails, our lawyers specialized in business law and litigation set up the judicial collection phase against the debtor who has not complied during the amicable phase.

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About us ?

We are a debt collection company run by qualified national and international experts with extensive and continuous training in amicable collection techniques.

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With representation in over 135 countries

All our partners are recognized as leaders in the collection and debt recovery markets in their countries and strictly respect their local laws and regulations as well as the TCM Group's Code of Operations, ensuring you quality services.

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Our approach

We only assume claims that are certain, liquid and due.

Our collection inspectors initiate an amicable approach as soon as they receive your files, in addition to any actions already taken internally.

If necessary, a deep credit investigation of the debtors is undertaken to establish the most appropriate strategy for the collection of the new claim.

The same collector handles your files during the whole collection process and ensures the success of the follow-up contacts with the debtors by modifying the sequence, content and support of the interventions at each stage.

A database of daily management data generates automatic reminders as soon as the payment schedule negotiated with the debtor is detected.

To keep track of debtors, we use mail, email, SMS, telephone and home visits to collect unpaid debts as soon as possible.
If necessary, we can launch a detailed search of the debtor in the region or country where he was last reported.

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AJF Corporation

A Word from the Director

Welcome to our website!

I’m pleased to introduce you to the new site of Groupe AJF Corporation.
Groupe AJF Corporation has a new look and is more visible: a more fluid navigation now facilitates access to all of its services and a quick redirection and interconnection in real time on all its social media.

Established in Congo since 2015, DRC, Groupe AJF Corporation offers debt collection services in Africa and around the world. Its strength lies in its young multidisciplinary and multilingual team of lawyers and professionals dedicated to the design and implementation of effective collection strategies and procedures.

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